     Mike likes music very much.   1   he was young, he wanted   2   be a famous musician. But now he
is a   3  . He works in a hospital. He   1   plays light music when he is working. He finds   5   patients are
happy if they    6   the beautiful music. So he puts a CD player    7   the waiting room and plays the     8  
to his patients every   9    .  All his patients  10   Mike is a good doctor.
(     )1. A. What    
(     )2. A. to      
(     )3. A. actor    
(     )4. A. often    
(     )5. A. a lot    
(     )6. A. hear    
(     )7. A. under  
(     )8. A. music    
(     )9. A. date    
(     )10.A. think  

B. When    
B. /        
B. musician
B. never    
B. lot      
B. listen  
B. in      
B. movie    
B. today    
B. like    

C. Where      
C. for        
C. doctor      
C. doesn't    
C. lots of    
C. listen to  
C. on          
C. opera      
C. day        
C. want        

故事类阅读 2016-05-16


1-5 B A C A C          6-10 A B A C A