1. What's the price of the T-shirt? [    ]
A. 5 yuan
B. 10 yuan
C. 20 yuan
2. What colour does Tom like better? [    ]
A. Red.
B. Blue.
C. Yellow.
3. What are the two friends talking about? [    ]
A. Summer holidays.
B. Their hometown.
C. Their friends.
4. Why did Mr. Smith go to Nanjing? [    ]
A. To visit a factory.
B. To give a talk.
C. To have a holiday.
5. Whose bike is broken? [    ]
A. Linda's
B. John's.
C. Lily and Lucy's.
6. What's the boy looking for? [    ]
A. Football.
B. Basketball.
C. Volleyball.
7. When will they go to the library? [    ]
A. Next Tuesday.
B. Next Monday.
C. Next Thursday.
8. What was Sam doing? [    ]
A. He was cleaning the floor.
B. He was playing football.
C. He was drawing on the wall.
9. What kind of music does Linda like? [    ]
A. Rock music.
B. Country music.
C. Light music.
10. What does the man's answer mean? [    ]
A. The woman can't sit beside him.
B. The woman can sit beside him.
C. Someone else will sit beside him.
听力 2016-05-28


1-5: CBABA    6-10: ABCCB