Names What For lunch Activities After lunch What For dinner Activities After dinner
Sally Rice, vegetables Playing football Bread, vegetables Swimming
Lucy Cakes Walking Bread, vegetables Playing
Mike Meat, rice Playing basketball Dumplings, chicken Playing computer games
Maria Hamburgers, juice Playing volleyball Rice, vegetables Playing The guitar
1. Who has rice for dinner?
A. Sally and Mike
B. Lucy and Mike
C. Maria and Lucy
D. Sally and Maria
2. Who swims after dinner?
A. Maria
B. Mike
C. Sally
D. Lucy
3. What does Mike have for dinner?
A. Meat and rice.
B. Chicken and dumplings
C. Bread and vegetables.
D. Hamburgers and juice.
4. What does Maria do after lunch?
A. Plays volleyball.
B. Plays basketball.
C. Plays football.
D. Plays the guitar.
5. Which of the following is NOT true? 
A. Lucy plays table tennis after dinner.
B. Mike has meat and rice for dinner.
C. Sally plays basketball after lunch.
D. Maria has hamburgers and juice for lunch.


1-5: A C B A D