
[ 化学 ] 准确量取75mL的液体,应选用的仪器是( )A.100mL量筒B.100mL量筒和胶头滴管

准确量取75mL的液体,应选用的仪器是(  )

2016-05-16 | 0

[ 数学 ] 今年1季度,某市高新技术产业产值突破110亿元,同比增长59%.数据“110亿”用科学记数


2016-05-17 | 0

[ 数学 ] 找规律填数:﹣1,2,﹣4,8,(    ).

找规律填数:﹣1,2,﹣4,8,(    ).

2016-05-17 | 0

[ 数学 ] 某公司在工程招标时,接到甲、乙两个工程队的投标书,每施工一天,需付甲工程队工程款1.5万元

某公司在工程招标时,接到甲、乙两个工程队的投标书,每施工一天,需付甲工程队工程款1.5万元,付乙工程队工程款1.1万元,工程领导小组根据甲、乙两队的投标书测算,形成下列三种施工方案: ①甲队单独完成此项工程刚好如期完工;②乙队单独完成此项工程要比规定工期多用5天;③若甲、乙两队合作4天,剩下的工程由乙队独做也正好如期完工;如果工程不能按预定时间完工,公司每天将损失3000元,你觉得哪一种施工方案最节省工程款,并说明理由。

2016-05-18 | 0

[ 数学 ] 在60克盐水中,盐和水的比例式5:1,盐水比水少40千克.______.


2016-05-21 | 0

[ 数学 ] 下列命题正确的是( )A.若两条直线和同一个平面所成的角相等,则这两条直线平行B.若一个平

下列命题正确的是(  )

2016-05-22 | 0

[ 语文 ] 给多音字组词。露 lù( )lòu( )了 le( )liǎo( )

露 lù(  )lòu(  )
了 le(  )liǎo(  )

2016-05-27 | 0

[ 英语 ] 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。Waste can be se

Waste can be seen everywhere in our school. Some students ask for more food than they can eat and others often forget  1 (turn)off the lights when they leave the classroom. They say they can afford these things. But I  2 (not agree)with them.Waste can bring a lot of problems. Although China is rich in some resources (资源), we’re short of others, for example, fresh water(淡水). It  3 (report) that we will have no coal(煤) or oil to use in 100 years. So if we go on  4 (waste) our resources,what can we use in the future? Think about it. I think we should
say to the students who waste things every day. Everybody  5 (stop) wasting as soon as possible.
In our everyday life, we can do many things  6 (prevent) waste from happening, turn off the water taps(龙头) when we 7 (finish) washing, turn off the lights when we leave the classroom, try not to order more food than we need, and so on. Little by little, everything will be changed. Waste can be stopped one day if we do our best.

2016-05-28 | 0

[ 英语 ] 我们应该对自己的能力有信心。换言之,我们应该确信可以完成它


2016-05-28 | 0

[ 英语 ]   —Nowadays the doctors are trying their best

  —Nowadays the doctors are trying their best to reduce the people’s fear__________ they would be affected by the present disease called “Bird Flu (禽流感)”.
A.whether B.which C.thatD.when

2016-05-28 | 0