
[ 数学 ] 圆柱的高扩大2倍,底面半径不变,圆柱的体积就扩大( ) A.2倍 B.8倍 C.4倍 D.

圆柱的高扩大2倍,底面半径不变,圆柱的体积就扩大(  )
A.2倍 B.8倍 C.4倍 D.16倍

2016-05-21 | 0

[ 数学 ] 油菜的出油率是76%,也就是(    )占(    )的76%。

油菜的出油率是76%,也就是(    )占(    )的76%。

2016-05-21 | 0

[ 语文 ] 下列词语中加粗字的注音有误的一项是 [     ] A.棱角(léng) 熹微(xī) 恍

下列词语中加粗字的注音有误的一项是[    ]
A.角(léng) 微(xī) (hū) (jì)
B.谨(jū) 长(qí) 曲(juǎn) 子(niǎn)
C.子(zān) 嘴(piě) (chàn) (cuì)
D.发(jiǒng) 告(dǎo) (yē) 白(cāng)

2016-05-26 | 0

[ 语文 ] 读下面的句子,从句子中找出意思相反或相对的词写下来。轻而清的东西,缓缓上升,变成了天;重而

(  )——(  )  (  )——(  )
(  )——(  )  (  )——(  )

2016-05-27 | 0

[ 语文 ] 根据下面的介绍,写一则通知的正文,告诉居民怎样交纳有线电视的收视费。(不超过90个字)(5


2016-05-27 | 0

[ 英语 ] Mike thinks if he_____  a rich man, he _____ 

Mike thinks if he_____  a rich man, he _____ donate much money to the helpers.      [    ]
A. will be; would      
B. be; will        
C. were; would          
D. were; will

2016-05-28 | 0

[ 英语 ] 听下面一段材料,回答第1至3题。 1. What will the woman do to

1. What will the woman do tonight? [    ]
A. Have dinner with the man.
B. Attend a meeting.
C. Work.
2. How does the woman go home? [    ]
A. Alone.
B. With the man.
C. With a guard.
3. What is the man doing? [    ]
A. Offering help.
B. Dating.
C. Making suggestions.

2016-05-28 | 0

[ 英语 ] In the late 1970’s,many people in North Ameri

In the late 1970’s,many people in North America turned their attention to environmental problems ,and new steel — and — glass skyscrapers were widely criticized. Some ecologists (生态学家)pointed out that a number of tall buildings in a city often overburden public transportation.
Skyscrapers are also lavish consumers of electric power and water. In just one recent year, the addition of 17 million square feet of skyscraper office space in New York City itself has already raised the top daily demand for electricity by 120, 000 kw — enough to supply the entire city of Albany in New York area for a single day.
Glass—walled skyscrapers can also be especially wasteful. The heat loss ,or gain, through a wall of half 一 inch plate glass is more than ten times that through a typical ordinary wall filled with bricks or board. In order to decrease the pressure on heating and air — conditioning equipment, builders of skyscrapers have begun to use double—layered glass ,and reflective glasses coated with silver or gold mirror films that could reduce glare (强光)as well as heat gain. However, mirror — walled skyscrapers may raise the temperature of the surrounding air and affect neighboring buildings as well.
Skyscrapers put a severe pressure on a city's sanitation (卫生)facilities, too. If fully occupied, the towers just within the central area of New York would alone produce 2. 25 million gallons of waste water each year^—as much as the city size of Stanford, Connecticut, which has a population of more than 109,000.
小题1:The underlined phrase“ lavish consumers ”in the 2nd paragraph probably means ____
A.trash producersB.great spendersC.pressure makersD.poor customers
小题2:Glass walls of skyscrapers are specially mentioned in order to _____.
A.show how skyscrapers manage to lessen their pressure
B.explain why skyscrapers can control its air conditions
C.describe further how wasteful skyscrapers could be
D.present the stability of skyscrapers in modern buildings
小题3:From the last paragraph we can learn that _____.
A.central New York skyscrapers are a large waste water producer
B.the central area of New York is as large as the city of Stanford
C.more than 109,000 people live in the skyscrapers in New York
D.New York produces 2. 25 million gallons of waste water each year
小题4:When the writer talks about skyscrapers ,his tone sounds _____

2016-05-29 | 0

[ 英语 ] 假设你是李华。你于“十·一”长假期间与几位朋友外出郊游。请你据此写一篇日记。注意:1.内容

2.词数: 100 左右。
牛路岭自然风景区(Niululing  Nature  Park)
 乘坐郊游专线(the  Yellow  Tourist  Express)
牛路岭水库(Niululing Reservoir)
October 6th   Wednesday                     Cloudy
I’m back home after a three-day tour.

2016-05-29 | 0

[ 物理 ] 信息理论表明,作为 _________ 的无线电波,频率越 _________ ,相同时间

信息理论表明,作为 _________ 的无线电波,频率越 _________ ,相同时间内传输的信息就越多,所以,无线电通信、电视广播等所用的电磁波频率越来越 _________ 了,越来越多地使用 _________ 通信.

2016-05-29 | 0