
[ 数学 ] 已知半径为1的圆心在原点,半径为3的圆的圆心坐标是(-,1),则两圆位置关系是 [   

已知半径为1的圆心在原点,半径为3的圆的圆心坐标是(-,1),则两圆位置关系是[    ]

2016-05-20 | 0

[ 数学 ] 有2吨煤,第一次运走总数的13,第二次运走总数的25,还剩下这堆煤的几分之几?


2016-05-21 | 0

[ 数学 ] 一项工程,甲独做要58小时,乙独做要3小时,甲、乙工效的比是( )A.5:24B.15:8

小时,乙独做要3小时,甲、乙工效的比是(  )

2016-05-21 | 0

[ 数学 ] 化简比的依据是比的基本性质.…______.


2016-05-21 | 0

[ 语文 ] 下面这段话中有一个词语用得不冶当,请找出并加以改正。 生活是一个多棱镜,总是以它变幻莫测的


2016-05-27 | 0

[ 英语 ] If you don't work hard for most of the year a

If you don't work hard for most of the year and then work hard for only a few days before the exam,
you will probably ______. [    ]
A. succeed
B. finish
C. fail
D. pass

2016-05-28 | 0

[ 英语 ] A new college guide in the United States comp

A new college guide in the United States compares educational requirements in seven subjects. These include math, science, writing and United States history or government. The other subjects are economics, foreign language and literature.
The free online guide is from the American Council of Trustees and Alumni. The council is a nonprofit group that supports liberal arts education.
Its president, Anne Neal, says these areas of knowledge are needed to succeed in a twenty-first century society and an increasingly connected world. Yet she told VOA’s Faiza Elmasry it was surprising how many students can graduate with, in her words, a “thin education.”
Forty-two of the one hundred colleges and universities surveyed received the lowest marks. This meant they required two or fewer of the seven subjects. Five schools received a top grade for requiring six subjects. These were Brooklyn College in New York City, Texas A&M, the University of Texas-Austin, West Point and the University of Arkansas.
Robert Costrell is a professor of education reform and economics at the University of Arkansas. He says many, if not all, of the top American colleges once had a core curriculum —a set of courses required for all students.
But over the years, many have dropped these requirements. Or they have watered them down, Professor Costrell says, into what became known as distribution requirements. This system lets a student choose from a number of different courses to satisfy a requirement.
ROBERT COSTRELL: “And in many cases these courses went too far, I would say, towards the fluffy treatment of serious material, and students could satisfy their requirement by taking such courses.”
Professor Costrell says schools should not only re-examine what they teach. They should also measure what students have learned — for example, through some form of examinations or papers.
A new report this week from the College Board showed that college prices continue to rise. But Anne Neal from the American Council of Trustees and Alumni says higher prices do not guarantee a better general education. In fact, the group found that the higher the tuition, the more likely that students have to develop their own general education.
The college guide is on the Web at whatwilltheylearn.com. Anne Neal says her group is surveying more colleges. The hope, she says, is to discover what college graduates have really learned, and how ready they are to compete in the global marketplace.
67. Where does the passage probably come from?
A. A scientific fiction.                      B. A research newspaper.  
C. A fashion magazine.                     D. An entertainment newspaper.
68. The American Council of Trustees and Alumni does all the following EXCEPT _________.
A. support liberal arts education
B. concern itself with education in America
C. devote time to helping improve college education
D. make money by helping with college education
69. The words “watered them down” underlined in Paragraph 6 most likely mean “_______.”
A. reduced required courses                 B. improved required courses
C. increased required courses                D. developed required courses
70. In this passage, the new college guide mainly tells its readers that American colleges  should ______.
A. meet the requirements of the new century
B. reduce the number of required courses
C. have different standards on required courses
D. cut down on their tuitions

2016-05-29 | 0

[ 物理 ] 引起家庭电路中保险丝熔断的原因有:______.


2016-05-30 | 0

[ 物理 ] 如图甲是用水来冷却热牛奶时拍摄的照片情景(牛奶与水的密度相差很小).图乙是记录牛奶、水的温


2016-05-31 | 0

[ 化学 ] 从C、H、O、S、Cl、Na、N、Mg、Cu等9种元素中选择恰当的元素,用元素符号、离子符

(1)地壳中含量最多的元素      ;煤燃烧产生的酸性气体污染物       
工业用盐的化学式          ;氧化亚铜中铜元素的化合价            

2016-06-04 | 0