
[ 生物 ] “野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”,说明生物所具有的特征是(     )A.遗传和变异B.对外界刺

“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”,说明生物所具有的特征是(     )

2016-05-17 | 0

[ 数学 ] 用科学记数法记出的数,原来各是什么数:(1)4.8×105;(2)9.7×106;(3)1


2016-05-17 | 0

[ 数学 ] 把多项式﹣1+2x2﹣x+x3y按字母x的降幂排列为(    ) .

把多项式﹣1+2x2﹣x+x3y按字母x的降幂排列为(    ) .

2016-05-17 | 0

[ 数学 ] 若a>b,且c为有理数,则下列不等式成立的是 [     ] A.ac>bcB.ac<bc

若a>b,且c为有理数,则下列不等式成立的是[    ]

2016-05-18 | 0

[ 数学 ] (-9)2的平方根是x,64的立方根是y,则x+y的值为( )A.3B.7C.3或7D.1

2的平方根是x,64的立方根是y,则x+y的值为(  )

2016-05-18 | 0

[ 数学 ] (本小题满分14分)已知集合是满足下列性质的函数的全体:对于定义域B中的任何两个自变量,都


2016-05-24 | 0

[ 语文 ] 下面没有语病的一项是 [     ] A、在爱心义演的晚会上,歌手们声情并茂地演唱了一首首

下面没有语病的一项是[    ]

2016-05-27 | 0

[ 语文 ] 比一比,再组词。拔(       )拨(       )     喧(        )渲

拔(       )拨(       )     喧(        )渲(        )
碎(       )粹(       )     篷(        )蓬(        )

2016-05-27 | 0

[ 英语 ] 阅读理解。         June 5 is World Environment Day

     June 5 is World Environment Day. This makes us pay more attention to our environment and the
need to protect it. When Wang Boxuan,a Beijing high schoolboy, uses up his exercise books, he
doesn't throw them away. Each one is stored at his school with hundreds of exercise books given by
other students. Then they are sold to a Beijing paper making factory.   
     The paper is recycled and used again by students and teachers in the school. At the same time, the
money made from the sales goes towards schools in Inner Mongolia for planting trees and grass. This
place is one of the sources of the sandstorms that often attack Beijing during springtime.     
     Wang's school is one of the schools in the capital that take part in the "green promise" environmental
protection activity, so far, nearly 210,000 students have taken part in the activity, collecting more than
87 tons of waste paper.   
     Before the Olympic Games came to Beijing in 2008,students were eager to help make the capital a
more pleasant place.
      "There are some environment problems in the city, such as sandstorms," said Wang. "We should do
our duty and encourage others to do so as well. ”          
      Vice-premier(副总理) Zeng Peiyan has written a letter to the teachers and students to encourage
them to go on supporting environment protection.
1. What do Wang Boxuan and his schoolmates do with the waste exercise books?              
A. Throw them away.              
B. Store and sell them.              
C. Cut them into pieces.              
D. Give them to the students in Inner Mongolia.
2. What is the money used for?   
A. Buying new exercise books.              
B. Helping poor students.              
C. Planting trees and grass.              
D. Being stored.
3. What can we infer from the third paragraph?           
A. Many years later, students will have no exercise books to use.            
B. Many years later, there will be no waste paper.            
C. Many years later, the sandstorms will be weaker in Beijing.            
D. Many years later, Beijing will be much dirtier.  
4. Choose the right order according to this passage.
a. Trees and grass were planted.                
b. Schools in Inner Mongolia received the money.                
c. Students collected waste paper.                
d. Vice-premier encouraged the teachers and students.         
A. c, b, d, a                    
B. b, a, d, c            
C. b, a, c, d                    
D. c, b, a, d           
5. Which is the best title for the passage?  
A. Planting trees                  
B. Green promises                  
C. Collecting                      
D. Making money

2016-05-28 | 0

[ 英语 ] 根据以下词汇分类要求,每组写出4个属于该类别的英文单词。 (1) 学习用具:_______

(1) 学习用具:________ ________ ________ ________
(2) 颜色名称:________ ________ ________ ________
(3) 星期名称:________ ________ ________ ________
(4) 人体部位:________ ________ ________ ________
(5) 服装名称:________ ________ ________ ________

2016-05-28 | 0