
[ 数学 ] (6分)学生小明、小华到某电脑销售公司参加社会实践活动,了解到2010年该公司经销的甲、己


小题1: (1)这三个月中,甲品牌电脑在哪个月的销售量最大? ▲ 月份;
小题2: (2)已知该公司这三个月中销售乙品牌电脑的总数量比销售甲品牌电脑的总数量多50台,求乙品牌电脑在二月份共销售了多少台?

2016-05-19 | 0

[ 数学 ] 在○里填上“>”、“<”或“=”。3×5 ○15            18÷3 ○8  

3×5 ○15            18÷3 ○8            30÷6○5 
12÷2○5             24÷4○8             10÷2 ○4 
24÷6 ○ 8           6×6○28             4×5○30

2016-05-20 | 0

[ 数学 ] 估计:304×98的积在______左右.


2016-05-21 | 0

[ 数学 ] 下面是二(1)班同学喜欢看的图书情况统汁图。 (1)看图填空。 类别 漫画书 故事书 科技

类别 漫画书 故事书 科技书 合计

2016-05-21 | 0

[ 语文 ] 阅读下面这首诗,然后回答问题。(6分)归园田居晋·陶渊明种豆南山下,草盛豆苗稀。晨兴理荒秽


2016-05-27 | 0

[ 语文 ] (A)要是以这园子里的声响来对应四季呢那么,春天是祭坛上空漂浮着的鸽子的哨音,夏天是冗长的

(A)要是以这园子里的声响来对应四季呢?那么,春天是祭坛上空漂浮着的鸽子的哨音,夏天是冗长的蝉歌和杨树叶子哗啦啦地对蝉歌的取笑,秋天是古殿檐头的风铃响,冬天是啄木鸟随意而空旷的啄木声。以园中的景物对应四季,春天是                  ,时而明朗时而阴晦的天上摇荡着串串扬花;夏天是                    ,或阴凉而爬满了青苔的石阶,阶下有果皮,阶上有半张被坐皱的报纸;秋天                 ,在园子的西北角上曾丢弃着一座很大的铜钟,铜钟与这园子一般年纪,浑身挂满绿锈,文字已不清晰;冬天,是                   
小题1:与文中画线处相对应的语句依次为                (只填序号)(2分)

2016-05-27 | 0

[ 英语 ] 阅读理解.      Do you want to be the most popular

     Do you want to be the most popular person in class? You don't need to change your character; you
just need to improve your personality. In fact the most popular people are trusted and loved because they stay normal but still have something that makes them different from the rest of us. Here are some pieces of advice about becoming the most popular person in class.
     If you want others to like and respect you, you have to start by liking and accepting yourself. Do not
change yourself in order to please others.
     Be helpful to everyone and do it happily. Being nice to people is almost like helping them, too, because by being nice you make others happy.
     Be active and have a positive attitude towards life. Develop confidence in yourself.
     Stay clean and wear fresh clothes. Do not try to follow fashion to please others.
     Respect can't be brought with big words or power. You have to get it by being honest. It also helps
your personal growth. You must be a person that can be trusted to get respect.
1. What can we learn from the passage?
A. To change our character
B. To trust and love others
C. To be the same as others
D. to improve our personality
2. How can you be respected by your classmates according to the passage?
A. By being honest
B. By trusting others
C. By following the fashion trends.
D. By using big words
3. The underlined sentence shows that _______.
A. you should be nice to others
B. you should be polite when you help others
C. helping others can also make us feel happy
D. we can help others just by being nice
4. The writer thinks a person who is liked by the whole class must be                   .
(1)confident (2)positive (3)good looking (4)helpful (5)fashionable
A. (1) (2) (3)
B. (2) (3) (4)
C. (3) (4) (5)
D. (1) (2) (4)
5. What's the best title for this passage?
A. How to Please Others
B. How to Be the Favourite
C. How to Be Trusted by Others
D. How to Develop Confident

2016-05-27 | 0

[ 英语 ] 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。      Do you like childre

     Do you like children? Do you have free time in the afternoon? We need a babysitter for our son.
He's six years old. Hours are from Monday to Friday, 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Pay is ¥20 an hour.
For the job, you will
     ※ Look after our son
     ※ Read to him
     ※ Play with him
     You will work in our house. We live in Room 301, Jijiang Road.
     Please call 84567898     Ask for Mrs. Liu.
1. The babysitter is _____.
A. 坐孩子座位的人
B. 代人照看孩子者
C. 钟点工
D. 婴儿
2. On Friday, the babysitter will _____.
A. not work
B. work for three hours
C. get ¥75
D. be at home
3. What is NOT part of the job?
A. Cooking for the child.
B. Working at the child's house.
C. Reading books to the child.
D. Looking after the child.
4. The babysitter must _____.
A. go to the person's office
B. drive a car to work
C. work every Saturday and Sunday
D. play with the child
5. How much does the babysitter get every week?
A. ¥20
B. ¥60
C. ¥300
D. ¥100

2016-05-28 | 0

[ 英语 ] There is a       cup on the table . A.nice ne

There is a       cup on the table .
A.nice new big plasticB.new plastic big nice
C.nice big new plasticD.new nice plastic big

2016-05-28 | 0

[ 物理 ] 在研究物体沉浮条件时,将一个空心金属球放入一个足够大盛满水的容器中,当球静止时,露出水面的


2016-05-30 | 0