
[ 物理 ] 电磁继电器就是利用______控制工作电路通断的开关,利用电磁继电器可以通过控制_____


2016-05-16 | 0

[ 生物 ] 下列物质变化示意图中,哪个不可能发生在有丝分裂过程中: [     ] A.B.C.D.

下列物质变化示意图中,哪个不可能发生在有丝分裂过程中:[    ]

2016-05-17 | 0

[ 数学 ] 下列说法中正确的是(   ) A.有且只有一条直线垂直于已知直线。 B.从直线外一点到这条

下列说法中正确的是(   )

2016-05-19 | 0

[ 数学 ] 如图,已知、分别是平行四边形的边、上的两点,且 .(1)求证:;(2)判定四边形是否是平行



2016-05-19 | 0

[ 数学 ] 自然数A,B满足,且A:B=7:13,那么A+B=(    )。

自然数A,B满足,且A:B=7:13,那么A+B=(    )。

2016-05-21 | 0

[ 数学 ] 设全集为,函数的定义域为,则为(   )A.B.C.D.

设全集为,函数的定义域为,则为(   )

2016-05-22 | 0

[ 数学 ] 曲线在点 处的切线倾斜角为__________。

曲线在点 处的切线倾斜角为__________。

2016-05-23 | 0

[ 英语 ] - How often do you play football- _______, bu

- How often do you play football?
- _______, but usually twice a week.[    ]
A. It all depends
B. Have no idea
C. As usual
D. In fact

2016-05-28 | 0

[ 英语 ] CYour home is a reflection of you…We understa

Your home is a reflection of you…
We understand you want windows and doors that suit the look of your home as well as improve its energy efficiency (效率).
At Award Windows & Doors we believe in building what you want rather than trying to persuade you to want what we have already built.
Call us today and we will be happy to find out how we can build our windows and doors just for you and your home.
Jordan Primeau
Ph: (403) 850-4174 Fax: (403) 451-1472
E-mail: jprimeau@ awardwindoors.com
Josh Stover
Ph: (403) 982-1107 Fax: (403) 982-1107
E-mail: jstover@ awardwindoors.com
www. Awardwindowsanddoors.com
It is what’s inside your home that matters
That’s why we make windows that count. Our energy efficient windows will provide the best comfort for your family and will save money on your energy bills all the year round. So you can concentrate on giving your family the things that matter most.
Contact us to find out how our energy efficient windows can help you save on your energy costs all the year round, or visit us at our Renovations Showroom.
3900-106 Ave SE, Calgary, AB
( 403 ) 720-8055
www. allweatherwindows, com
64. According to the ads, the two companies are both expert at        .
A. making windows and doors that suit the look of your home
B. persuading people to want what have already been built
C. building windows that help save your energy costs
D. building your doors completely to your taste
65. The two ads are most probably about        .
A. managing money matters                         B. environmental protection
C. architecture styles                              D. home improvement & design
66. If you prefer comfort as well as energy efficiency, you can       .
A. call (403) 982-1107 or (403) 720-8055
B. call (403) 720-8055 or visit www.allweatherwindows.com
C. call at All Weather Windows or Award Windows & Doors
D. visit Renovations Showroom or Award Windows & Doors

2016-05-29 | 0

[ 物理 ] 小明家里每天的生活用热水原来都使用液化石油气烧,现为了节约家庭开支,她家新安装了一台太阳能


2016-05-30 | 0