
[ 数学 ] 已知抛物线C:y2=2px,点P(-1,0)是其准线与x轴的焦点,过P的直线l与抛物线C交


2016-05-16 | 0

[ 数学 ] 如图所示,在两面墙之间有一个底端在A点的梯子,当它靠在一侧墙上时,梯子的顶端在B点;当它靠


2016-05-20 | 0

[ 数学 ] 钟表表针转动属于(   )现象,开关抽屉的运动属于(   )现象。

钟表表针转动属于(   )现象,开关抽屉的运动属于(   )现象。

2016-05-20 | 0

[ 数学 ] △ABC中,,求。


2016-05-23 | 0

[ 语文 ] 比一比,组成词语。   倦(      )     裁(      )     紫(   

倦(      )     裁(      )     紫(       )   
圈(      )     栽(      )     紧(       )   

裳(       )    稻(       )    符(       )   
常(       )    蹈(       )    荷(       )

2016-05-27 | 0

[ 英语 ] The bad weather _____ the students from going

The bad weather _____ the students from going home.

A. keep
B. discouraged
C. made
D. prevent

2016-05-27 | 0

[ 英语 ] ---What _______ do you have for Daniel--- I t

---What _______ do you have for Daniel?
--- I think he should study harder than before.

2016-05-28 | 0

[ 英语 ] _________ my students are good at English. [ 

_________ my students are good at English.[    ]
A. The number of
B. A number of
C. a lots of

2016-05-28 | 0

[ 英语 ] —Why does he like science—_____ it's interest

—Why does he like science?
—_____ it's interesting.       [    ]
A. Because  
B. And        
C. But      
D . Then  

2016-05-28 | 0

[ 英语 ] 8. Compare your answers ______ these question

8. Compare your answers ______ these questions _____ those of your classmates.
A.to, withB.with, toC.to, toD.with, with

2016-05-28 | 0