
翻译 (共7小题,20空;每空0.5分,满分10分)16. 当地政府必须努力改善当地的经济

翻译 (共7小题,20空;每空0.5分,满分10分)
16. 当地政府必须努力改善当地的经济以赢回民众的信心。
The local government must try hard to improve the economy so as __________ _________  _________ public confidence.
17. 奥巴马出生在夏威夷,是由母亲和祖父母抚养成人的。
Born in Hawaii, Obama was ____________  ____________  ____________ his mother and grandparents.
18. 他们将大量的二氧化碳释放到大气层中,这阻止了地球上的热不能释放到太空中去。   They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, __________  __________ heat __________ escaping from the earth into space.
19. 任何人不可能犯了罪而逃脱处罚。
Nobody can __________  __________  __________ breaking the law.
20. 数以万计的人为了捍卫独立献出了自己的生命。
Hundreds of thousands of people lost __________ lives ____________ __________ of independence.
21. 我们每个人都渴望能考上大学。
Each of us __________  __________ to __________ the college entrance examination.
22. 我信中提到的那个大学生已经报名去西部支教了。
The college student I __________  __________ in the letter has entered for teaching in the west of China.

翻译能力 2016-06-13

第七节:句子翻译(共5句,每句2分;满分10分)根据句后提示,翻译以下句子。81. 千百万

81. 千百万年前,恐龙就在地球上生活,比人类的出现要早得多。(come into being)
82. 他起床晚了,结果没赶上早班汽车。(as a result)
83. 老师讲的话对学生有很大的推动作用。(have a pushing effect on)
84. 我爷爷如此盼望着麋鹿归来,以至于在南海子麋鹿苑看到它们时,抑制不住内心的激动哭了起来。(long for)
85. 许多人到象深圳那样的新经济开发区去找工作,希望能提高他们的收入。(economic zone)

翻译能力 2016-06-13

英汉互译(共5分)举动;表现n. ______________           6.r

举动;表现n. ______________           6.represent   _____________
减少;缩减vt. ______________          7.struggle    _____________
考虑周到的adj.______________          8.expand    _____________
后悔;遗憾vt.&n.____________          9.deliver     _____________
耳语;低语v.&n _____________          10.occupation _____________

翻译能力 2016-06-13



翻译能力 2016-06-13


___________________, I  ______________ and __________________.   
Have you ever had a case _________ someone accused your journalists _________________________________________________________________________.
3. 她一进来就大哭起来。
She ____________________she came in .  
4. 不要总把失败归咎于他人。有时该怪自己。
Don’t blame others for the fails. It’s you _________________.  
5. ______________________________was the longitude line.   她最感兴趣的是那条经线。
6. Come and see me whenever __________________________. 只要你方便,随时都可以来。

翻译能力 2016-06-13

翻译以下短语。1. remind sb. of sth.____2.  remind sb

1. remind sb. of sth.____
2.  remind sb. to do sth. _____
3.  remind sb. that...____
4.  这些照片使我想起我的童年.
5.  请提醒我要每天服三次药.

翻译能力 2016-06-13

:翻译句子(共5小题, 每小题2分,满分10分)小题1: 当老师要求他们分组讨论时,整个课

:翻译句子(共5小题, 每小题2分,满分10分)
小题1: 当老师要求他们分组讨论时,整个课堂活跃起来。(come to life)
小题2: 车祸中乘客的死亡应该归咎于醉酒的司机。(be to blame for---)
小题3:因为有这么强的决心,难怪无论何时他处于困境都能克服种种困难。(no wonder;    whenever; various)
小题4:最终他们得出结论,争论没有意义。(draw a conclusion; make sense)
小题5:(让)儿童接触暴力电视是不恰当的,这很可能会伤害他们的身心健康。(expose---to---; be likely to)

翻译能力 2016-06-13


Gaudi               the project from 1882 until his       in 1926. The church hasn’t been finished        !
One of the world’s largest               , the Louvre,         also        in Paris.
Florence is an Italian city which became famous      E:\ZuJuan\WCFUpload\Upload\Program Files\NSE\NSE-SH3\Template\Normal\temp8.html       the Renaissance, a great artistic movement        began in the 1300s and         for three hundred years.
The report shows that we are        some         but     we need to make         greater        .
       more than 80% of children in         countries go to primary school, about 115 million children are not                  .

翻译能力 2016-06-13

单句翻译(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)小题1: 你见到那副令人害怕的图画吗?小题2:我

小题1: 你见到那副令人害怕的图画吗?

翻译能力 2016-06-13

汉译英1. 你需要更好地展示自己.(present)                   

1. 你需要更好地展示自己.(present) 
2. 在他退休之际,同事们赠给他一套高尔夫球杆. ( present,a set of golf club)

翻译能力 2016-06-13



翻译能力 2016-06-13


He said he could come at 6:30, but he hasn’t ________ _______ yet.
I’m too tired to go there. _______ ________ , it’s getting dark.
My teeth are very _______ ________ cold food.
The government is doing its best to ________ those rare animals ________ being hunted.
Are there any ways of ________ ________ the salesman at the door?

翻译能力 2016-06-13


小题3:Tom和 Mary相爱三年了,并且他们相处的非常好。

翻译能力 2016-06-13


小题5:我经常让一位学生用英语演讲,使他们对英语感兴趣。(have sb do)

翻译能力 2016-06-13

根据课文内容填空。(共8个空格, 每空所填词数不定;每空格1分,满分8分)小题1:____

根据课文内容填空。(共8个空格, 每空所填词数不定;每空格1分,满分8分)
小题1:_____________________(正如你可以想象到的),if your skin get burned it can be very serious.
小题2:His discussion with his new boss was_____________________(必将强烈影响他的一生) as a journalist.
小题3:I have to __________________(不断提醒我自己)that I am really in AD3008.
小题4:_______________________ photography (不仅我对摄影感兴趣),but I took an amateur course to update my skill.
小题5:You are going to ____________________________________(使你的旅行令人愉悦同时富有价值).
小题6:Thousands of terrified people died ___________________________________(每当有疾病暴发).
小题7:The disease quickly __________________ (攻击身体)and soon the affected person died.
小题8:Remove clothing using scissors _______________(如有必要).

翻译能力 2016-06-13

双向翻译(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) The environmental spea

The environmental speaker Ms Lin thinks it is our duty to try to 1.                   (削减产量 ) and reduce the amount of things we make and buy. The amount of rubbish we produce is turning into a big problem; we need to think more about recycling our waste.  2.It would be good to teach people ways of living that do not harm the environment. We may even create more jobs and help our country become more developed at the same time. 3. But Mr Qian believes that people are more important than fish and trees. He does agree that we should produce more things from materials that have been recycled, and less from raw materials. 4.                (我们所需要的 )are better laws to preserve the environment and still allow our country to grow. Finally,5. those factories which pollute the environment should have to pay higher taxes

翻译能力 2016-06-13


Thousands of ___________ people died _________ __________ there was an  __________ of cholera.
For convenience, England is ________ _______ ________three zones.
It is proved that ________ ______________of first aid can ________ ________ _________.
A table and some chairs rose from under the floor ________ _______ _______ ________.
___________ to the tourists’ _____________, this solid stone, square tower has __________ ____________ there for one thousand years. 

翻译能力 2016-06-13

阅读理解。      "Friendship is one of the basic bo

     "Friendship is one of the basic bonds between human beings." While the characteristics of friendship
might vary from one country to another, people from all cultures not only enjoy friends but need them.
Many studies have shown that teenagers who have no friends often suffer from psychological disorders.
It has been shown that teenagers, perhaps more than any other age group, need companionship and a sense
of belonging. The negative consequences of loneliness have also been observed among the elderly. The death
of a spouse (配偶) often leaves a widow or a widower totally bereft (失去理智). If, however, they are
surrounded by friends and relatives and if they are able to express their feelings, they are more likely to recover
from their grief.
     "No man is an island." In other words, we are all parts of society. We all need the love, admiration, respect
and moral support of other people. If we are fortunate, our friends will provide us with all of these necessary
aspects of life. As most people observe, there are many levels of friendship. The degree or intensity of
friendship varies depending on the personality of the individuals involved and the context of the relationships.
Outgoing persons enjoy being surrounded by many people whereas shy persons are perhaps content with
fewer but more intense friendships.   
     Everyone is not equally open with all their friends. The degree of closeness is determined by many factors. Close friends can be formed at any stage in one's life but they are usually very rare. Not very many people have more than a few really close friends. Irrespective of the level of closeness, all friendships are based on reciprocity(互惠), honesty and a certain amount of love and affection.
1. "No man is an island" (Line 1, Para. 3) implies that _______.  
A. everyone is a part of an island
B. man cannot be an island  
C. everyone is just a part of society
D. society is an island
2. The degree of closeness of friendship mainly depends on ________.  
A. age
B. belonging
C. personality
D. culture
3. The author thinks that close friends ________.  
A. can be easily formed when one is young
B. cannot be long-lasting  
C. are not rare for everyone
D. are rare for most people
4.The word "irrespective" (Last sentence, Para. 5) means ________.
A. not respecting
B. dishonoring
C. regardless
D. considering

人生感悟类阅读 2016-06-13

完形填空。      My brother-in-law lifted out a pac

     My brother-in-law lifted out a package in which was delicate lingerie. (女式内衣) "Jan bought it 8 years
ago    1   she never wore it. She was   2   it for a special occasion." He put it with the other clothes we were
taking to the mortician (殡仪员). "Don't save anything for a special occasion. Every day when you're    3   is
a special gift." he said.
     I remembered those words through the funeral and the days that followed when I helped with all the chores
after Jan's sudden    4  . I thought about them on the plane returning to California. I'm   5   thinking about his
words, and they've   6   my attitude towards life. I'm admiring the view    7   worrying about the weeds in the
garden. I'm spending more time with my family and friends and   8   time in committee meetings.
     Whenever possible, life should be an experience to   9  , not tolerate. I'm trying to recognize these moments
and  10   them. "Someday" and "one of these days" are  11   from my vocabulary. If it's worth seeing or hearing
or doing, I want to see and hear and do it now. I'm not sure what my sister would have done if she had known
she wouldn't be here for the tomorrow that we all  12   for granted. I think she would have gone out for her
favorite Chinese food. She might have called a few former friends to apologize for past   13  . I'm guessing
-- I'll  14  know.
     It's those little things left undone that would make me angry if I knew that my hours were   15  . Angry
because I   16   seeing good friends I was going to get in touch with --- someday. Angry and   17   that I
didn't tell my husband and daughter often enough how much I truly love them.
     I'm trying not to put off, or save anything that would add  18   and color to our lives. Every morning
when I open my eyes, I tell myself it is   19  . Every day, every minute, every breath truly is a(n)   20   from
(     )1. A. and         
(     )2. A. buying       
(     )3. A. happy        
(     )4. A. separation   
(     )5. A. still        
(     )6. A. changed      
(     )7. A. beyond       
(     )8. A. most         
(     )9. A. enjoy         
(     )10. A. ignore      
(     )11. A. disappearing
(     )12. A. find        
(     )13. A. affairs     
(     )14. A. surely      
(     )15. A. endless     
(     )16. A. called off  
(     )17. A. sorry       
(     )18. A. value       
(     )19. A. common       
(     )20. A. offer       
B. so             
B. saving       
B. healthy       
B. death        
B. also       
B. spoiled      
B. besides      
B. little     
B. share          
B. value                      
B. escaping    
B. think          
B. quarrels    
B. always        
B. abundant       
B. gave off    
B. disappointed  
B. laughter   
B. unforgettable   
B. promise    
C. as              
C. leaving         
C. alive          
C. disease      
C. even            
C. shaped         
C. without     
C. more           
C. control      
C. stress           
C. coming         
C. take                        
C. hardships       
C. ever           
C. valuable           
C. put off     
C. shameful        
C. imagination    
C. special          
C. smile        
D. but                     
D. remaining             
D. successful              
D. treatment           
D. therefore             
D. held                
D. over                
D. less                  
D. choose                 
D. remember             
D. leaving               
D. make                  
D. memories               
D. never                
D. limited                  
D. took off        
D. embarrassed            
D. freedom             
D. similar               
D. gift                

人生感悟类阅读 2016-06-13

完形填空。      When I was about five years old, I

     When I was about five years old, I used to watch a bird in the skies of southern Alberta from the
Blackfoot Blood Reserve in northern Montana where I was born.I loved this bird; I would   1   him for
hours. He would   2   effortlessly in that gigantic sky, or he would come down and light on the   3   and
float there beautifully. Sometimes when I watched him, he would not make a sound and liked to move 
  4   into the grasses. We called him meksikatsi, which in the Blackfoot language   5   "pink-colored feet";
meksikatsi and I became very good friends.
     The bird had a very particular significance to me   6   I desperately wanted to be able to fly too. I felt
very much as if I was the kind of person who had been born into a world where   7   was impossible. And
most of the things that I   8   about would not be possible for me but would be possible only for other
      When I was ten years old, something unexpected   9   my life suddenly. I found myself become an  10 
 child in a family I was not born into; I found myself in a  11  position that many native Americans find
themselves in, living in a city that they do not understand at all, not in another culture but   12   two cultures.
     A teacher of the English language told me that meksikatsi was not called meksikatsi, even though that is
what  13   people have called that bird for thousands of years. Meksikatsi, he said, was really "duck". I was
very   14   with English. I could not understand it. First of all, the bird did not look like"duck", and when it
made a  15 , it did not sound like "duck", I was even more   16   when I found out that the meaning of the
verb "to duck" came from the bird.
     As I   17   to understand English better, I understand that it made a great deal of  18  , but I never forgot
that meksikatsi made a different kind of meaning. I   19   that languages are not just different words for the
same things but totally different   20  , totally different ways of experiencing and looking at the world.
(     )1. A.keep           
(     )2. A.jump           
(     )3. A.nest           
(     )4. A.quickly         
(     )5. A.means           
(     )6. A.though         
(     )7. A.communication   
(     )8. A.dreamed         
(     )9. A.improved       
(     )10. A. educated     
(     )11. A. weak         
(     )12. A. between       
(     )13. A. most         
(     )14. A. desperate     
(     )15. A. noise         
(     )16. A. ashamed       
(     )17. A. tried         
(     )18. A. evidence     
(     )19. A. identified   
(     )20. A. concepts     
B. watch          
B. dive          
B. hill          
B. naturally      
B. reads          
B. because        
B. imagination    
B. worried        
B. enriched      
B. adopted        
B. comfortable    
B. against        
B. few            
B. bored          
B. call          
B. confused      
B. came          
B. distinction    
B. confirmed      
B. regulations  
C. follow        
C. circle        
C. water          
C. freely        
C. shows          
C. while          
C. belief        
C. knew          
C. changed        
C. outgoing      
C. terrible      
C. without        
C. their          
C. uncomfortable  
C. decision      
C. embarrassed    
C. determined    
C. profit        
C. realized      
C. messages    
D. search                 
D. wander                 
D. road                   
D. quietly                
D. states                 
D. until                  
D. flight                 
D. argued                 
D. ruined                 
D. independent            
D. central                
D. beyond                 
D. my                     
D. disappointed           
D. choice                 
D. frightened             
D. expected               
D. sense                  
D. predicted              
D. evaluations          

人生感悟类阅读 2016-06-13