Tea bag drinking is most westerners’ favorite way of drinking tea. Do you know how it came about?
The tea bag was invented in 1908 by Thomas Sullivan, an American tea seller. He was sending out free tea in silk bags for people to try. People put the bags together with the tea leaves into the cup and added hot water. The tea tasted good, and people thought it was easy to clean the cup. They were not happy when Sullivan started sending them loose (散的) tea again.
Sullivan realized that he had a hot new thing in his hands, and he built a machine to pack the bags. As tea bags became popular, they were changed from silk to gauze (薄纱) and later paper. In 1952, Lipton Tea made the tea bag even more popular with its invention of the four-sided tea bag. Tea bags were soon a hit in the UK, and today 85% of the tea in the UK is packed in paper bags.
However, many people still prefer loose-leaf tea. This is because some tea companies put not very good tea in their tea bags. But for most drinkers, tea bags are still the easy, tasty way to go.
小题1:Who invented the tea bag? 
A.An English tea seller.B.Chinese.C.Lipton.D.Thomas Sullivan.
小题2:The underlined sentence “Tea bags were soon a hit in the UK” probably means “________ in the UK”.
A.Tea bags soon became popular
B.Tea bags surprised everyone very much
C.Tea bags kicked (踢) the loose-leaf tea out of the market
D.Tea bags weren’t allowed to be sold
小题3:This sentence “today 85% of the tea in the UK is packed in paper bags.” tells us ________.
A.Most drinkers in the UK prefer loose-leaf tea.
B.Most drinkers in the UK prefer tea bags.
C.A quarter of the drinkers in the UK prefer loose-leaf tea.
D.A quarter of the drinkers in the UK dislike tea bags.
小题4:From the passage we can learn that Thomas Sullivan was very ________.
小题5:What can be the best title for this passage?
A.The invention of tea
B.The way of drinking tea
C.The history of tea bags
D.People’s favorite tea in the world




试题分析: 本文大意:茶包是在1908年由一位美国茶叶经销人托马斯.苏力文发明的,随着茶包变得受欢迎,茶包从丝绸变成薄纱后来变成纸的。1952年,因四边形的茶包的发明,利普顿茶使茶包变得更受欢迎。不久在英国流行起来,如今英国85%的茶是包用纸包的。但许多人还是喜欢散茶,因为一些茶叶公司不放好茶在茶包里。
小题1:细节理解题。根据The tea bag was invented in 1908 by Thomas Sullivan, an American tea seller.茶包是在1908年由一位美国茶叶经销人托马斯.苏力文发明的,可知选D
小题2:推理判断题。根据As tea bags became popular, 随着茶包变得受欢迎,In 1952, Lipton Tea made the tea bag even more popular .1952年,利普顿茶使茶包变得更受欢迎,可知选可知选A
小题3:推理判断题。根据 85% 可知多数人用茶包,故选B
小题4:推理判断题。根据He was sending out free tea in silk bags for people to try.They were not happy when Sullivan started sending them loose (散的) tea again.Sullivan realized that he had a hot new thing in his hands, and he built a machine to pack the bags.他正在发放用丝绸包装的免费茶包让人们试用,当苏力文开始再送他们散茶时他们不高兴了,苏力文意识到手中有一个很火的新生事物,他造了一个机器包装茶包, 可知选A
小题5:主旨大意题。根据Tea bag drinking is most westerners’ favorite way of drinking tea. Do you know how it came about?茶包喝茶是多数西方人最喜欢的喝茶方式,你知道它是怎么发明的吗?可知选C